Academic & Learning Support

Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS)

UCSB’s Campus Learning Assistance Services is a program dedicated to giving students confidence in their learning skills and academic achievement. Their offices are located in the Student Resource Building (SRB). CLAS offers workshops, individual consultations, GRE preparation, tutoring for math, physics, statistics, chemistry, and biology courses, as well as several writing lab services. Details at the CLAS website.

Math Lab

The Math Lab is a room staffed by graduate students devoted to assisting undergraduate students with their lower division math homework. The Math Lab is located on the first floor of South Hall (SH 1607). It is staffed from 12-5, M-F by graduate students. Help is offered on a question-by-question basis, there are no lectures or pre-determined topics. You are welcome anytime, including your TA's hours. It is worth nothing that the Math Lab tutors are limited to helping with lower division math classes only, though upper division math students are welcome to use the space for personal study or group work. Visit the Math Lab website.

Physics Study Room 

All TAs for Physics hold office hours in the Physics Study Room (PSR), Broida Hall, Room 1019, located on the first floor behind the elevator.  The PSR is open from 10-5, M-F when classes are in session.  There should be a TA in the PSR at all times, and any TA should be able to help you with problems in any Physics class.  Visit the Physics website for more resources and information.

Faculty and TA Office Hours

Office hours are the days and times a professor or teaching assistant (TA) is available to students in the instructor's office.  You should be able to find an instructor's office hours on the course syllabus and/or department webpage. You may attend office hours for a variety of reasons including to clarify or receive further instruction on a topic in the course, receive feedback on a piece of writing for the course, and explore research, internship, and graduate school opportunities in the field.  Instructors will expect you to arrive prepared - know what you would like to ask and bring paper or a laptop to take notes.  

Tau Beta Pi Tutoring Services

The UCSB chapter of Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, offers free tutoring by students who are honor society members, held every fall and spring quarter. An email will be sent via the student listserv to announce tutoring hours. 

Engineering Student Organizations

Some student organizations offer study hours, study groups, and mentoring.  Review the list of student organizations and connect with your peers.

Engineering Undergraduate Conference Room (EUCR)

The EUCR, sometimes called the Undergraduate Study Room, is located in Trailer 698 near Harold Frank Hall and Bren Hall on the UCSB campus. It seats 25 and has tables, dry-erase boards, a projection screen, internet connection, and four computer workstations. The room is intended for these uses: tutorial sessions, student organization meetings for groups registered with Office of Student Life, academic workshops and instructional events. The room may be used for other student or academic related gatherings, such as dissertation defenses and qualifying exams, but is restricted to academic units with in the College. It is not available for regularly scheduled classes, to non-academic units, or to community groups.  Request a reservation via the online form.


  1. Reservations for the EUCR will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Suitability of a particular event for the room shall be subject to approval of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies.
  2. The event must meet the criteria as described above.
  3. Preparation and serving of food is not permitted inside the room, but food is permitted on the outside deck. Trash generated from events must be disposed of in receptacles outside the conference room.
  4. Users are responsible for restoring the room to its original condition, including rearranging any moved furniture. Windows must be closed, doors locked, and keys returned at the conclusion of an event.
  5. Scheduling: Office of Undergraduate Studies maintains the reservation calendar. Reservations will be scheduled up to 3 months in advance, or at longer periods with the Associate Dean’s approval. The reservation form is found below, on this page.
  6. Cancellation: 24 hours cancellation notice is required.
  7. Failure to comply with usage policies will result in loss of usage privileges.

+ Reserve the Undergraduate Conference Room