Faculty Awards

Faculty Awards & Honors

4 National Academy of Engineering Members

7 ASME Fellows

3 IEEE Fellows

7 Excellence in Teaching Awards

1 National Academy of Sciences Member

18 National Science Foundation CAREER Awards

1 Presidential Early Career Award

AIMBE Fellows

We are proud to have among our rank some of the top educators and researchers in the field. Please find below a few notable fellowships and awards.

Faculty Fellowships

  • (NAE) NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING - Carlos Levi (2023), Robert McMeeking (2005), Linda Petzold (2004), Henry Yang (1991)
  • (NAS) NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Linda Petzold (2021)
  • (ASME) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - Francesco Bullo (2022), Sam Daly (2021), Beth Pruitt (2015), Brad Paden (2014), Eckart Meiburg (2013), Kimberly Foster (2013), Linda Petzold (2008), Henry Yang (2008), Robert McMeeking (1998)
  • (AIMBE) AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING- Linda Petzold (2021), Sumita Pennathur (2021), Megan Valentine (2021), Beth Pruitt (2016), Brad Paden (2007)
  • (IEEE) INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS- Igor Mezic (2021), Francesco Bullo (2010), Bassam Bamieh (2008), Brad Paden (2004)
  • (SIAM) SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS- Francesco Bullo (2019), Igor Mezic (2017), Linda Petzold (2009)
  • (IFAC) INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL- Francesco Bullo (2017), Bassam Bamieh (2010)
  • (ACS) AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY- Carlos Levi (2012)
  • (APS) AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY- Megan Valentine (2019), Igor Mezic (2016), Eckart Meiburg (2005)
  • SLOAN FELLOWSHIP - Frederic Gibou (2006), Jeff Moehlis (2005), Igor Mezic (1999)
  • (AAAS) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE -Robert Odette (2019), Linda Petzold (2005)
  • (AAM) AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MECHANICS - Robert McMeeking (2002)
  • (ANS) AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY - Robert Odette (1998)
  • (MRS) MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY- Irene Beyerlein (2021)
  • (ACS) AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY- Carlos Levi (2013)
  • PACKARD FELLOWSHIP - Elliot Hawkes (2020)

Faculty Awards

National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Enoch Yeung (2023), Yangying Zhu (2020), Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz (2020), Alban Sauret (2020), Elliot Hawkes (2020), Bolin Liao (2018), Yon Visell (2018), Otger Campas (2017), Sam Daly (2013), Megan Valentine (2013), Jeff Moehlis (2006), Beth Pruitt (2005-2010), Kimberly Foster (2001), Matt Begley (2000), Ted Bennett (1999), Carl Meinhart (1999), Igor Mezic (1999), Bassam Bamieh (1996)

ASME Awards
Sam Daly - ASME Materials Division Centennial Mid-Career Award (2022)
Yangying Zhu - ASME Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal (2021)
Sam Daly - ASME Eshelby Mechanics Award (2016)
Elliot Hawkes - ASME Best Journal Paper Award in Bioinspired Systems and Materials (2015)
Robert McMeeking - ASME Timoshenko Medal (2014)
Robert McMeeking - ASME Best Paper Award, Advances Energy Systems Division (2013)
Sam Daly - ASME Orr Award (2011)
Brad Paden - ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Charles S. Draper Award (2010)
Brad Paden - ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Kalman Best Paper Award (1993)


Prof. Yangying Zhu ARPA-E IGNIITE Early Career Award
Prof. Yangying Zhu Outstanding Early Career Award at the mircoFIP Conference
Prof. Beth Pruitt American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow
Prof. Francesco Bullo 2024 DoD MURI Award
Prof. Alban Sauret 2024 Poster Award in the Gallery of Soft Matter through APS
Prof. Irene Beyerlein elected to the National Academy of Engineering Class 2024
Prof. Yangying Zhu 2024 Young Investigator Award Recipient


Prof. Robert McMeeking 2023 Platinum Medal of the United Kingdom's Institute for Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3)
Prof. Francesco Bullo 2023 O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award
Prof. Yangying Zhu 2023 Hellman Family Faculty Fellowship Recipient
Prof. Ryan Stowers 2023 Hellman Family Faculty Fellowship Recipient
Prof. Beth Pruitt 2023 NSF Boosting Research Ideas for Transformative and Equitable Advances in Engineering (BRITE)
Prof. Irene Beyerlein 2023 TMS Fellow Award
Prof. Carlos Levi elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)


Prof. Yangying Zhu 2022 NASA Early Career Faculty Award
Prof. Bolin Liao Receives YIP Award, Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Prof. Ryan Stowers Selected as 2022 Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grant Awardee


Prof. Bolin Liao Receives Early Career Award, NASA
Prof. Bolin Liao Receives YIP Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
Prof. Igor Mezic Receives the Crawford Prize, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, University of California, Santa Barbara
Prof. Hawkes awarded the Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award
Prof. Ryan Stowers Elected Regents Jr. Faculty Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara
Prof. Emilie Dressaire Elected Regents Jr. Faculty Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara
Prof. Yangying Zhu Elected Regents Jr. Faculty Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara


Prof. Enoch Yeung Receives Young Investigator Award, U.S. Army
Prof. Elliot Hawkes Receives 2020 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering
Prof. Elliot Hawkes Selected as 2020 NASA Early Career Faculty Grant Awardee
Prof. Ryan Stowers Receives Young Investigator Award, Cells Tissues Organs (CTO)
Prof. Enoch Yeung Recieves Keck Foundation Award
Dr. Tyler Susko Receives the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, University of California, Santa Barbara


Prof. Irene Beyerlein Receives the Mehrabian Interdisciplinary Chair
Prof. Irene Beyerlein Becomes a TMS Brimacombe Medalist
Prof. Irene Beyerlein Receives the Champion H. Mathewson Award for notable research publication
Prof. Otger Campas Receives the 2019 Elizabeth Hay New Investigator Award
Prof. Otger Campas Elected into the Society for Developmental Biology
Prof. Elliot Hawkes Receives the Best Paper Award, IEEE Transactions of Robotics
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Delivers National Science Foundation Panel “Experimenting in a Microgravity Lab”, SXSW Conference, Austin, TX.
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives the Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award
Prof. Bolin Liao Receives the Sony Faculty Research Award


Prof. Irene Beyerlein Recieves the Women in Science and Engineering NSF ADVANCE STEM Scholarship, Univ. of New Hampshire
Prof. Irene Beyerlein Receives the Distinguished Scientist/Engineering Award from Materials Manufacuturing and Processing, TMS
Prof. Francesco Bullo Elected 2018 President of the IEEE Control System Society
Prof. Sam Daly Receives the Robert Caddell Memorial Materials & Manufacturing Award
Prof. Elliot Hawkes Receives the Paper Award of Top Ten Robotics Technologies of the Year, in AAAS Science Robotics
Prof. Bolin Liao Receives the Early Career Research Program, Department of Energy (DOE)
Prof. Bolin Liao Receives the Young Investigator Program, Army Research Office (ARO)
Prof. Meiburg Appointed Ronald F. Probstein Lecturer, MIT
Prof. Linda Petzold Receives the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award
Prof. Linda Petzold Appointed Mehrabian Chair, University of California, Santa Barbara
Prof. Alban Sauret Elected Regents Jr. Faculty Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Tyler Susko Receives the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, University of California, Santa Barbara 


Prof. Sam Daly Delivers Conference Plenary at The British Society for Strain Measurement (2017)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Elected Regents Faculty Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara (2017)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives the Gallery of Fluid Motion Award, American Physical Society, Fluid Dynamics (2017)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Elected President of the International Congress of Fracture (2017-21) 
Prof. Carl Meinhart Delivers a Plenary Talk at the 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Busan, Korea (2017)
Dr. Tyler Susko Receives the 2017-2018 Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award (2017)
Dr. Tyler Susko Receives the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award, University of California, Santa Barbara (2017)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Pathway Visionary AwardIE (2017)
Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award from IEEE, Transactions on Circuits and Systems (2016)
Prof. Meiburg appointed Shimizu Visting Professor, Stanford University (2016)
Prof. Meiburg elected Chair, Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society (2016)
Prof. Sam Daly Receives James W. Dally Award from the SEM (2016)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Selected Keynote Paper at the 30th Eurosensors Conference (2016)
Prof. Kimberly Foster Delivers ASME IDETC Micro/Nano Symposium Keynote Speech (2016)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Elected Life Fellow of ASME (2016)
Prof. Carl Meinhart Delivers a Keynote on COMSOL User Conference, Newton, MA (2016)
Prof. Linda Petzold Receives SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession (2016)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS MS&T Division Best Paper Award (2016)
Dr. Tyler Susko Receives UCSB Outstanding Faculty Member in Mechanical Engineering (2016)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Chinese Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California Lifetime Achievement Award (2016)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives TechConnect National Innovation Award (2016)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives National Academy of Engineering Arthur M. Bueche Award (2016)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Elected Senior Member of IEEE (2015)
Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives UCSB Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award (2015)
Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives IEEE Distinguished Member Award (2015)
Prof. Otger Campas Elected Fellow, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (2015)
Prof. Elliot Hawkes Receives Best Student Paper Award from the IEEE, ICRA (2015)
Prof. Megan Valentine Elected Fellow for the Scialog: Molecules Come to Life Symposium (2015-17)
Prof. Megan Valentine Receives Fulbright Scholarship (2015)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives UCSB Outstanding Faculty Member in Mechanical Engineering (2015)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives TMS Structural Materials Division JOM Award (2015)
Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives IFAC Automatica Best Paper Award (2014)
Prof. Otger Campas Receives Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award (2014)
Prof. Otger Campas Receives Hellman Family Faculty Award (2014)
Prof. Sam Daly Receives Journal of Strain Analysis Young Investigator Award (2014)
Prof. Sam Daly Receives Best Paper of the Year from the IJSS (2014)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives TMS Morris Cohen Award (2014)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Elected to Royal Society of Edinburgh (Scotland) (2014)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Receives Williams Prager Medal of the Society of Engineering Science (2014)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives TMS Structural Materials Division Scientist of the Year Award (2014)
Prof. Linda Petzold Recieves the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2014)
Chancellor Henry Yang Elected Foreign Member to Russian Academy of Engineering (2014)
Prof. Glen Beltz Receives the Rinker Inspiration Award for Advocating Students and Diversity (2013)
Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives SIAG/CST Best Paper Prize from the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (2013)
Prof. Kimberly Foster Receives UCSB Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award (2013)
Prof. Linda Petzold Receives SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering (2013)
Prof. Bassam Bamieh Receives IEEE Control Society Axelby Award (2012)
Prof. Sam Daly Receives AFOSR YIP (2012)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (2012)
Prof. Eckart Meiburg Delivers Lorenz G. Straub Award Keynote Speech (2012)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce Innovator of the Quarter Award (2012)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Satya Atluri Medal at ICESS12 Conference (2012)

Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council (2011)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award (2011)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Appointed Fellow, Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University (2010-2011)
Prof. Sam Daly Receives Best Paper of the Year Award from Experimental Mechanics (2011)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives Andreas Acrivos Award from the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (2011)
Prof. Eckart Meiburg Receives Best Poster Award at the CSDMS Annual Meeting (2011)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives PECASE Award (2011)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from West Virginia University (2011)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2011)

Prof. Sam Daly Receives DOE Early Career Award (2010)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Receives Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award, Anita Borg Institute (2010)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award (2010)
Prof. Megan Valentine Receives UC Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship (2010)
Prof. Megan Valentine Receives Hellman Family Faculty Fellowship (2010)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS Special Achievement Award (2010)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS Fusion Energy Division Distinguished Achievement Award (2010)
Prof. Beth Pruitt Receives DARPA Young Faculty Award (2009)
Prof. Eckart Meiburg Receives Frist Prize at the Scottish Offshore Achievement Awards (2009)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives DARPA Young Investigator Award (2009)
Prof. Sumita Pennathur Receives UC Regents Junior Faculty Fellowship (2009)
Prof. Robert Odette Honored for Contributions to the Field with Special TMS Symposium RPV Embrittlement and Fusion Reactor Materials: Measuring, Modeling, and Managing Irradiation Effects (2009)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives North Carolina State University Distinguished Technical Lecturer Award (2009)
Chancellor Henry Yang Elected Chinese Academy of Engineering Foreign Member (2009)

Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE Control Systems Magazine (2008)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives NIMS Award for Recent Breakthroughs in Materials Science for Energy and the Environment with Dr. A.G. Evans and Dr. D.R. Clarke (2008)
Prof. Eckart Meiburg Receives Senior Gledden Fellowship (2008)
Prof. Jeff Moehlis Receives Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award (2008)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Award (2008)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from Chinese University of Hong Kong (2008)

Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives Bolgiano Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from Cornell University (2007)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Receives Brown Engineering Alumni Medal (2007)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives UC Santa Barbara Academic Senate Honorary Distinguished Teaching Award (2007)

Prof. Eckart Meiburg Receives Humboldt Senior Research Award (2005)
Prof. Megan Valentine Receives Burroughs Welcome Career Award (2005)
Prof. Kimberly Foster Receives UCSB Academic Senate Teaching Award (2005)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from City University of Hong Kong (2005)
Prof. Bassam Bamieh Receives IEEE Control Society Axelby Award (2004)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives DLR Wissenschaftspreis with Dr. U. Schulz and Dr. S.G. Terry (2004)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives Cornell University Graduate Fellowship (2004)
Prof. Robert McMeeking Receives Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award (2004)
Prof. Megan Valentine Receives Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (2004)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS MS&T Division Best Paper Award (2004)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from National Taiwan University (2004)

Prof. Francesco Bullo Receives ONR Young Investigator Award (2003)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives Royal Aeronautical Society Prize for Highest First-Class Degree (2003)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives James Graham Prize for Best Experimental Project from the University of Southampton (2003)
Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz Receives CERN Summer Studentship (2003)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists (2002)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2002)
Prof. Brad Paden Receives IEEE Control Systems Society Technology Award (2001)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS Mishima Award (1998)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives ASEE Benjamin Garver Lamme Award (1998)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives Honorary Doctoral Degree from Purdue University (1996)
Prof. Robert Odette Receives ANS MS&T Division Outstanding Achievement Award (1994)
Chancellor Henry Yang Receives ASEE Centennial Medal (1993)
Chancellor Henry Yang Elected to Academia Sinica, National Academy of Science, Engineering and Humanities, Republic of China (1992)

Prof. Carlos Levi Receives Significant Contribution Award of the Materials Science and Technology Division of the American Nuclear Society with Dr. M.S. Nagorka and Dr. G.E. Lucas (1990)
Prof. Eckart Meiburg Receives NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award (1990)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives Marcus A. Grossman Young Author Award of ASM International (1989)
Prof. Carlos Levi Receives Henry Marion Howe Medal of the American Society for Metals (1983)