- When selecting computers for your use within the department the following are strongly recommended.
- All printers or other devices are subject to approval for being added to the network. If they compromose the security of the network or lack a firewall they will not be allowed on the network per the computer policy and any applicable campus or UC policies.
- Generally the software you wish to use will direct which hardware to purchase as well as the operating system. A list of the most common software found in the department is available here
When selecting a computer for your work in your group it is important to select the right specifications that will keep the system fast for the life of the computer.
General guidance for minimum reccomended system specs:
- Minimum 500gb solid state drive
- 16gb RAM
- i5 processor
Video cards for for Solidworks or Linux:
- INvisia cards are recommended.
- Solidworks will run better with a graphics card, even the entry level Nvidia 400/600 series. .
Recommended warrant for the expoected life of the computer:
- Desktops 4-5yrs
- Laptops 3-4yrs
Here are a few things to know before ordering a printer:
- If you are planning on ordering any printer you plan want to use on the wired network please contact support first to make sure it has a functional firewall, ethernet and current model HP.
- Wireless only printers with no Ethernet will not work here at UCSB since the UCSB wireless is for mobile devices. These printers are for a home office where you are in control of the wifi which is not supported by the network plociies in place.
HP brand Laserjet printers - Here is why: https://doc.engr.ucsb.edu/display/EPK/Printers
Not Recommended
All in one
Ink Jet Printers
Non HP
Saving your DATA to the cloud
Anyone associated with UCSB with an active netID has access to both BOX or Google drive as a means to store, transport or share UCSB related documents.
- BOX Drive - Box drive functions as a cloud drive for you to copy files to or from mobile devices, Macs, and Windows. Existing accounts that have more than 10gb are unaffected but there is still a 15gb file size maximum. As of 2020 new Box accounts are limited to 10gb of total data so if more space is needed they should look at using Google.
- Google Drive - Functions as a cloud drive for you to copy files to or from Macs and Windows
- Rclone - Available for Linux users that wish to use BOX (https://rclone.org/box/) or Google (https://rclone.org/drive/) that lack support from their OS to connect to either service.