Class of 2024 Selects Trevor Marks for Outstanding Faculty


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Trevor Marks has been a part of UCSB’s Mechanical Engineering Department since 2002, when he started as an undergraduate student. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he stayed at UCSB and earned his PhD in mechanical engineering, later accepting a position as a research and development (R&D) engineer, a position that he has held for more than a decade. His primary duties as R&D engineer include mentoring, managing the undergraduate education and design labs, and supporting students and faculty with their research projects. Graduating senior rewarded Marks this year for his hard work and dedication to their success by selecting him to receive his first Outstanding Faculty Award. 


“I am deeply honored and humbled to have been selected by students for this award,” said Marks, who as a graduate student in 2010 received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from graduating seniors. “Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and to be acknowledged in this way is incredibly meaningful. This inspires me to continue striving for excellence in my work and to constantly seek ways to enhance the learning experience for my students.”


This year’s graduating class holds a special place in Marks’s heart, because students have shown incredible resilience and adaptability by completing their first year remotely. Marks says that students have demonstrated remarkable strength and determination, which bodes well for their future endeavors.  He had a few messages to graduates.


“As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, remember to embrace change with an open mind and a fearless heart,” said Marks. “Stay true to your passions, never stop learning, and always believe in the power of your dreams. Congratulations, Class of 2024; the world awaits your brilliance and boundless potential!”


News Type: 

Awards and Accolades