Engineering student organizations are a vibrant and valuable part of the UCSB community. Students in the College of Engineering can participate in these campus organizations, which focus on science and engineering interests and professional advancement.

Attention Student Organization Leaders:
If you see incorrect information listed here, email meugrad@engineering.ucsb with updated information about your student organization and we'll be happy to update this page.
American Association of University Women
AAUW is dedicated to advancing equity for all womxn and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIChE is a national organization dedicated to promoting the professional development of its members through its programs and relationships with other student chapters. Check out our video here:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME is a national organization dedicated to generating interest in mechanical engineering for students majoring in the field.
Association of Computing Machinery
ACM is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology and serving as a leading resource for computing professionals and students working in information technology.
Coders SB
Welcome future Gauchos! Coders SB is an organization at UC Santa Barbara that aims to bridge the gap between theoretical computer science skills taught in class and real industry application. Since starting here at UCSB, we have recruited over 750 members to our organization, making us one of the largest Computer Science clubs on campus. Over the past year, we have hosted several recruiting events, workshops, and hackathons with help from companies such as Google and Microsoft, along with local companies Procore and Novacoast! Make sure to join our Facebook group and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with our events! We look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to reach out to us as
Data Science at UCSB
Data Science at UCSB is a student-run organization with the mission of getting students on the path to a successful career in Data Science, Business Intelligence, and Machine Learning. We accomplish our mission through peer education, group projects, and industry speaker events.
Engineering Student Council
The ESC provides the College of Engineering administration (e.g., the Deans, the Faculty Executive Committee and other key staff) a student perspective on relevant topics and makes recommendations throughout the year.
Engineers Without Borders
A nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to partnering with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable Engineering projects, and developing internationally-responsible engineering students.
Game Development Club
An organization aiming to provide a supportive and educational space for people to pursue their creative endeavors in game development or learn more about the craft. Game Development Club organizes workshops, events, and work spaces for people to learn and grow. Members create video games using engines such as Unity, Godot, and Unreal. All skills and skill levels are welcome.
Google Developer Student Club
GDSC's mission is to bridge the gap between theory and practical application for all students involved in software development whilst instilling the value of community involvement within. Members have access to exclusive biweekly technical lectures. These technical sessions will introduce members to project-oriented software skills through Google lectures and Google credits to practice their software skills while earning accredited skill badges.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Our local IEEE chapter is dedicated to enhancing the educational and professional growth of students in electrical and computer engineering at UCSB.
Los Ingenieros
A UCSB student organization dedicated to serving its members and the community to advance the study of math, science, and engineering. The group provides members with professional exposure, leadership opportunities, scholarships and helps inspire members to pursue the highest level of education. Check out our info video:
Machine Shop Club
The Machine Shop Club is a great way to learn about new machining techniques and explore current industry practices. Members also work on group projects every quarter and support individual projects. MSC works with the UCSB Machine Shop facility.
National Society for Black Engineers and Scientists
NSBE is a national organization dedicated to increasing the number of culturally responsible Black engineers and scientists who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. NSBE provides members with professional networking, leadership skills, and scholarship opportunities to promote the recruitment and retention of Black scholars. Learn more at our website
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
As a chapter of oSTEM Incorporated, UC Santa Barbara oSTEM aims to serve and affirm people who identify as LGBTQIA and to promote the participation from and development of LGBTQIA communities in STEM disciplines.
Phi Sigma Rho
Phi Sigma Rho is a nationally recognized social sorority dedicated to women in engineering. Learn more about us here:
Robotics Club
The Robotics Club at UCSB is a project-oriented club composed of students interested in the many fields that intersect with robotics. Members participate in several competitions and work on other member-initiated projects.
Photonics Society at UCSB
The UCSB Photonics Society is a joint chapter for the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) and the Optical Society of America (OSA). The organization hosts periodic guest seminars in recent photonics research, holds photonics-themed banquets and workshops, and organizes outreach to the surrounding community in photonics education. Learn more here:
SB Hacks
SB Hacks is a 400-person, 36 hour annual hackathon hosted at UCSB. This event aims to provide college students with the necessary resources to get hands-on experience in coding and exposure to the technology industry.
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
The UCSB chapter of SACNAS strives to promote both minority students and diversity in the STEM fields through professional development events, guest speakers, community service events, and high school outreach programs.
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
SASE is dedicated to the advancement of heritage scientists and engineers in education and employment so that they can achieve their full career potential.
Society of Automotive Engineers
SAE at UCSB is focused on giving students opportunities to get hands-on with Engineering in the automotive and aerospace fields. By maintaining a status as a collegiate chapter of SAE International, SAE is able to connect students with these industries, host speakers and attend conferences to prepare UCSB engineers for their future careers. The chapter also sponsors engineering projects as well as its main project, UCSB Gaucho Racing, which is a team built to compete in the Formula SAE Design Series by designing, engineering and constructing an all electric formula style race car from the ground up.
Society of Women Engineers
A national organization dedicated to providing a support system for women, increasing the understanding of engineering among women on a practical and theoretical basis, and enhancing professionalism of its members. Learn more from our video:
Theta Tau
The objective of this fraternity shall be to operate as a professional engineering fraternity and strive to achieve brotherhood, professionalism, and involvment in bettering our community.
Women in Computer Science
WiCS is an organization of undergrads and grads that celebrates diversity and inclusion in tech at UCSB. Most importantly we are a community. Our name stands for Women in CS and is a nod to our roots and commitment to equality in opportunity and access.
Women in Science and Engineering
WiSE is an organization dedicated to providing a support network for women and girls in science and engineering at UCSB and in the Santa Barbara region.
Women in Software and Hardware
WISH provides current and potential female students in the Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering disciplines with a network and organization to help them succeed as undergraduate engineering students at UCSB to prepare for a career in industry and/or academ