Student well-being is integral to academic success. Student Affairs has created a website with links to a range of student services related to well-being including assistance with basic needs, counseling, health, and personal safety. Visit contact an advisor if you would like additional support connecting to these or other campus resources.
Students often face a variety of challenges during college that can impact their academics. We partner with many offices across campus to coordinate services that students need to be academically successful and experience optimal well-being. Let us know if we can help connect you to any of the services listed below.
Student Health
Students can use the medical services just as they would their regular doctor's office and urgent care center. All students can utilize the services at SHS whether or not they have the Gaucho Health Insurance. Student Health offers medical services, behavioral health services, and pharmacy services.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS offers mental health services through individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention and stress management services. CAPS provides services with no fee at the time of service. Your university registration fee covers the cost of counseling. Please also visit the Mental Health Peer Program for additional mental health resources.
Student Mental Health Coordination Services
The Student Mental Health Coordination Services (SMHCS) office is the single point of contact for the campus community to report concerns about a student in distress or a student distressing others. If you are worried about a fellow Gaucho, please refer to the Distressed Students Protocol for assistance determining an appropriate referral.
Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP)
The UCSB Alcohol & Drug Program strives to create a safe, healthy, and learning-conducive environment through the promotion of healthy choices concerning the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The program emphasizes the elimination of harmful use, high-risk behavior, and related violence.
Social Work Services
1-on-1 assessment and resource connections. This service is available to all students currently enrolled or not.
Disabled Student Program (DSP)
The focus of the Disabled Students Program (DSP)’s mission is to ensure full participation and equal access to all educational activities and classes at UCSB, and to facilitate student success for students with disabilities. Services include reading services, note takers, test taking accommodations, and registration assistance.
Campus Advocacy Resource and Education Center (CARE)
The mission of the CARE program is to anticipate and respond to the needs of students impacted by stalking, dating/domestic violence and sexual assault by providing confidential advocacy and support.
Other UCSB Student Resource Links
- GOLD Login
- Career Services Office
- Educational Opportunity Program
- Undocumented Student Services
- Veterans Resources
- Financial Aid Office
- Registrar’s Office
- Office of Student Life
- Office of Judicial Affairs(includes information about reporting hate incidents and online crimes)
- Financial, Food, and Housing Insecurity Resources