In 2025 there will be a number of IT changes from the Secure UCSB project that will be visible or have an impact on the department. The information below here serves an outline of the changes and impact. The changes are ongoing to make sure the are implemented by the end of May 2025 mandate.

Network Outages

The outages will effect everyone that occupies or attends classes in a building.

There will be scheduled building-wide network outages as equipment is being replaced across the campus during regular business hours, not weekends or holidays. The schedule that is published is adjusted as necessary until a couple weeks before the finalized dates.  You can find it published here:

On the day of the scheduled outage, each building is expected to be without Internet for the entire day on the wifi and wired network.

  • Arts - Machine Shop - 1 day outage 2/10/2025

  • Engineering Science Building (ESB) -  Including the Cooper lab.(2 day outage)

  • Engineering 2 - Entire building. (3 day outage)

  • Bioengineering Building (BioE) - Entire building (1 day outage)

  • Henley Hall - Entire building (1 day outage)

Harold Frank Hall - When Harold Frank Hall is being upgraded the entire department will experience a 1 day outage since many services are hosted there.

  • All computers on the department's wired networks are expected to be offline. - You won't be able to get a network address to connect to anything.
  • Software licenses will not be available such as Solidworks, Comsol and others.
  • Undergrad labs - All undergraduate labs will be offline both in-person and remote.

UC Owned Devices

UC owned is defined as any computer, tablet, or mobile device that was purchased with a UC funding source i(including start-up). and any purchase you were reimbursed for of those devices.

Any UC owned Mac, Windows computers, Android or IOS devices that connects to a wired or wireless network will be required to be in a computer management system such as Jamf or IBM Maas360. More detailed information can be found on the Device Security section off the FAQ

Exempt from the mandate:

  • Personally owned computers and devices are exempt. They will not be added even if requested by the owner.
  • UC owned computers running an OS like Linux or Unix
  • UC owned systems that are permanently offline without any network/Internet access

Department enrollment of UC owned devices:

Department IT support will begin enrolling devices in the appropriate device manager after receiving access to the management system. The enrollment process will require visiting every location IT has a record of network access for a computer.

These plan below are under consideration as the order of enrollment:

  • Enroll IT test computers
  • Enroll the ME undergrad lab computers
  • Enroll all desktop computers that are on the wired network on ME department assigned networks.





Cybersecurity Training

This requirement is  for all faculty, staff and student employees. It is not required for students.

In spring 2025, UCSB will begin enforcing Cybersecurity Awareness training requirements to meet the UCOP mandate's requirement of 100% for all faculty, staff and student employees. They should plan ahead to complete the 35-minute training, or risk losing access to important systems like Canvas, Google, and Zoom.

Anyone that has not completed it  will continue to be redirected in order to complete their trainings at single sign-on (SSO) until they are able to complete the requirement.