Arturo Keller

AffiliationsThe Bren School
Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Room 3420Research Description
Professor Keller's research and teaching interests focus on the fate, transport and remediation of pollutants in the environment. His research is directed towards understanding the process through which contaminants may accumulate or transform in soil, air or water, as well as in the biota, with an emphasis on developing better management strategies for dealing with pollutants in the environment. His group also works on developing and applying numerical models for predicting fate and transport of pollutants, and developing technologies for containment, remediation, and monitoring of organic pollutants. Current projects involve (1) developing remediation techniques/strategies for DNAPLs and MTBE; (2) the detection and movement of chlorinated organic pollutants through soil and groundwater; (3) understanding at the pore scale the fate and transport of viruses in saturated and unsaturated soils; (4) bioavailability in the vadose zone; and (5) the loading of chemicals from various land-uses to the receiving water bodies. Keller has fifteen years of experience in developing management strategies in the private sector which he brings to the program.