ME Grad Students Tie Bo Wu and Michael Trogdon Among Winners of 2013 IGERT Video and Poster Competition

May 30, 2013

ME graduate students Tie Bo Wu and Michael Trogdon have been selected as one of 25 winning teams in the 2013 IGERT Video and Poster Competition.

The competition calls on IGERT programs across the country to submit a poster and a 3 minute video about their research.  The video is styled for the general audience while the poster offers more detail for a technical audience.  25 winners are selected from the submissions: 20 by judge, 4 by community choice, and 1 by public choice (by competing for most facebook "likes").  UCSB had two entries this year, the Mechanical Engineering Department and Materials Department, and both won judge awards.

According to the IGERT organization "This year’s competition included 124 submissions from 119 IGERT programs and 249 Ph.D. students nationally. The online video competition on, has received over 16,500 “Likes” on Facebook and over 39,000 unique visitors from over 153 countries. Additionally, news sites such as Scientific AmericanNature, Red Orbit, and Yahoo have featured the competition."

*****Click below to view Tie and Michael's winning submission!*****

Virtual Blood Vessels: A Practical Modeling approach to Understanding Coagulopathy

When a blood vessel is damaged, the body responds with a long sequence of reactions called the coagulation cascade. Coagulopathy is the term used to describe a problem occurring with the process of coagulation. Coagulopathy is often seen in emergency rooms as a result of trauma. However, the molecular mechanisms are not clearly understood. In this project we look to create a “virtual blood vessel” that can accurately model the dynamics of a blood vessel in the event of an injury. We use this model to predict the outcomes of in vitro blood flow experiments.