Scalable Thermal Energy Engineering Technologies Seminar – Materials to Applications
Events | Mechanical Engineering
Scalable Thermal Energy Engineering Technologies Seminar – Materials to Applications
April 29, 2019
Dr. Shannon Yee
ESB 1001
Prof. Shannon Yee directs the Scalable Thermal Energy Engineering Lab (STEEL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the G.W.W. School of M echanical Engineering. His laboratory focuses on direct thermal energy conversion and thermal transport technolog ies, translating fundamental science into application. The thermal conversion technologies that STEEL currently focusses on are polymer -based thermoelectrics and thermo - electrochemical converters. Prof. Y ee also co -directs the Heat Lab center, which train s graduate students in a suite a thermal property measurement techniques and helps solve pressing thermal problems facing industry, in route to being a global center of excellence in thermal measurements, simulations, and innovation. This overview seminar will provide a high -level introduction to the research topics, discoveries, and technologies coming out of the STEEL under Prof. Yee’s guidance. Specifically, this seminar will cover three topic areas: (i) advances in polymer-based themoelectric materia ls, focusing on n -type metal coordinated polymers, (ii) high -temperature thermo - electrochemical converters, specifically identifying the unsolved material challenges, and (iii) a new thermo - electrochemical cooling technology, leveraging advances in electro chemical systems. This seminar is motivated by energy systems and energy materials challenges and provides an application -based motivation to underlying material science research. Throughout this talk, the underlying transport and thermodynamic processes will be explained in progress to realizing new thermal energy conversion and transport technologies.
SHANNON YEE is an Assistant Professor at the G.W.W. School of M echanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Yee joined Georgia Tech in January of 2014 directly from his PhD at the University of California Berkeley where he studied under Prof. Aru n M ajumdar, Prof. Rachel Segalman, and Prof. Chris Dames. In the midst of his studies in 2010, he joined the US. Dept. of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) during its inaugural year as the first ARPA -E Fellow. Dr. Yee complet ed his M S in Nuclear Engineering in 2008 and his BS in M echanical Engineering in 2007 both from The Ohio State University. In 2008, he was awarded a prestigious Hertz Fellowship, which supported his graduate studies. In 2015, Dr. Yee was selected for an A FOSR Y oung Investigator A ward on polymer thermoelectrics. Dr. Yee is the recipient of the 2017 ASM E Pi - Tau- Sigma Gold M edal award for outstanding contributions to M echanical Engineering. In 2019, Dr. Yee was selected for an ONR Young Investigator A w ard o n polymer thermal switches.